Janata Kala-Vanijya Mahavidyalaya, established in 1962, is being run by Lok Seva Shikshan Bahuuddeshiya Mandal Malkapur. Lok Seva Shikshan Bahuuddeshiya Mandal other than the college, runs other educational institutions from pre-primary to college level. This Mandal is registered under Societies Registration Act in 1961 and under the Bombay public Trust Act in 1962.
The renowned writer and critic, Ex-Vice-Chancellor of Nagpur University Padmshri, Dr.V.B.alias Bahusaheb Kolte was the founder member of the College and the Lok Seva Shikshan Bahuuddeshiya Mandal Malkapur.
Janata Kala-Vanijya Mahavidyalaya, established in 1962, is being run by Lok Seva Shikshan Bahuuddeshiya Mandal Malkapur. Read More...
On the basis of the moral support from all honourbale office bearers of the Lokseva Bahuuddeshiya Mandal, Malkapur... Read More...
Lok Seva Shikshan Bahuuddeshiya Mandal other than the college, runs other educational institutions from pre-primary to college level. Read More...
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